Jets LB C.J. Mosley has advice for London football fans: Download Madden

Jets LB C.J. Mosley thinks playing Madden is the best way for those in London to familiarize themselves with American football.

The NFL started the London Games in 2007 to broaden its horizons and appeal to its fans across the pond. The league has played nearly 30 games overseas since, with the Jets and the Falcons becoming the 29th matchup on Sunday.

Even with the NFL’s best efforts, there are still a good amount of football fans in London who are still relatively unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the sport. Most fans know enough about American football to enjoy the game whenever two teams come to the country, but aren’t up to speed on the nuances that make football arguably the most popular sport in the United States.

C.J. Mosley offered advice to fans who don’t quite understand American football on Friday, emploring them to pick up a copy of Madden to learn the game.

“I guess it depends how much they know about football,” Mosley said. “You have to know the rules a little bit to understand what’s going on. When I first learned about [soccer] here, it was through FIFA. I didn’t know the rules of soccer until I started playing the video game. That’s how I kind of got into it.

“My advice for the people who don’t know it: download Madden. Go play Madden and figure it out on the fly.”

Madden has long helped American fans of all ages fall in love with football, making Mosley’s suggestion a good one. Maybe it can have the same effect on fans in London before the Jets’ march into Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

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