Jayson Tatum: ‘The better you get … it brings more challenges’

Boston Celtics third-year swingman Jayson Tatum spoke on the challenges raised expectations brings rising prospects like himself.

“I think the better you get, the more respect that people give you, it brings more challenges.”

Sage words, of the sort you would expect to hear from a grizzled veteran of the league giving some guidance to a young prospect on his way up the ladder of NBA stardom.

Instead, they came from one such prospect, Boston Celtics All-Star forward Jayson Tatum, speaking to beat reporters after Sunday afternoon’s exhibition win over the Phoenix Suns instead, the Duke product showing a wisdom beyond his years.

It would be easy to believe the hype, and take one’s foot off the pedal given all the praise lavished on Tatum since his late winter explosion, the St. louis native seeming to make a leap to superstardom after his first All-Star nod.

But the former Blue Devil has remained humble, brushing aside the notion that he’s ‘arrived,’ instead suggesting — correctly — that elite status confers a new set of challenges to those who would hang onto that status for longer than a fleeting moment.

“Obviously, I know how I feel when I’m playing against another guy that I looked up to or that type of player. It gives you that extra edge to compete, especially playing for the Celtics. You’ve got to be ready to compete every night.”

Another reporter probed Tatum’s self assessment, asking if he felt he and teammate Jaylen Brown were — or were among — the best wing duos in the NBA. Instead, Tatum deflected.

“We don’t claim that; it’s not out goal to say that,” he offered. We’re both just young guys trying to … find a way to help our team improve and compete for a championship. If people see us that way as we continue to grow, that’s a bonus.”

“We’re just trying to get better as individuals, and to get better playing with each other,” he added.

That the welfare of the team is never far from Tatum’s mind, nor that job No. 1 for a Boston Celtic is to compete for banners is exactly what you want to hear from the young cornerstone wing.

Now if we can just get back to fewer front-rimming shots for the Missouri native, who had a rough start to the scrimmage Sunday, but seemed to be feeling himself again once he’d sunk a free throw or two.

“That’s all it takes sometimes,” he explained, “you’ve got to see it go through the net a few times to feel good about yourself again. Continue to fight — it’s a long game.”

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