Jaylen Brown calls for caution, calm on Coronavirus on Instagram

Boston Celtics shooting guard Jaylen Brown went on Instagram earlier in the day to call for a measured and cautious approach to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Boston Celtics starting shooting guard Jaylen Brown made an appearance on Instagram Wednesday to call for caution and calm regarding the unfolding Coronavirus pandemic.

Asking his fans and followers to take the pandemic seriously regardless of the impact it has on the NBA season or the inconveniences it creates in our daily lives, the Georgian made a plea for a measured approach to the pandemic.

In the video, Brown began his message:

“It’s past the outbreak, the viral outbreak phase. Now. we’re reaching a pandemic. It’s hit the NBA, et cetera. I wanted to be the first to say I saw a lot of young people making memes — I see a lot of young people making jokes and dismissing it. And I get it. Twitter, Instagram, et cetera.

Maybe you might not be affected by it, but somebody else that you probably know will, whether it’s elderly, whether it’s people who are sick already, whether it’s people who are affected by other types of diseases, cancer patients — these people might not have the immune system to fight this virus off.

So, it might not be something that’s concerned with you, but being awake and being sympathetic and considerate of people around you that this is urgent [for is important]. The way they stop viruses is by shutting things down.”

The Cal-Berkeley product then went on to discuss the situation in Italy, and how the more extreme measures being taken there could be in the cards in the U.S. in the next few weeks.

Urging fans to take measures to help prevent the spread of the virus with minimizing contact with others, good hygiene and good information, Brown’s counsel is excellent advice, and recommended by the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control.

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