Jamel Herring, determined as ever, hopes to be back next month

Jamel Herring hopes to give it another go next month.

Jamel Herring hopes to give it another go next month.

The junior lightweight titleholder has had his title defense against Jonathan Oquendo canceled twice after testing positive for COVID-19 each time, the last time being Monday, the day before the next installment of Top Rank’s summer series inside the MGM Grand bubble in Las Vegas.

Herring told Yahoo Sports that tests have shown that he has coronavirus antibodies and he believes the latest result was a false positive.

Mikaela Mayer made the same claim after she tested positive and was removed from the June 9 show. Her fight with Helen Joseph replaced Herring-Oquendo as the main event Tuesday.

Herring is in quarantine in Las Vegas but will go home to Cincinnati before resuming training, Yahoo Sports reported. He would have three consecutive camps if he gets the date in August.

“Before I was allowed to travel here, I had to take a test and I passed it, because you’re not allowed to fly if you’re positive. So I get here and a day later I’m positive? Come on.”

He went on: “It’s going to be tough [with back-to-back-to-back] camps, but I’ve never been afraid of hard work. I just want to get to that first bell. I am trying to keep a positive attitude. There is a lot going on in this world and people have a lot of issues they’re having to deal with.

“I’ve had my problems, but it could be worse. I’m fine and it won’t be long before I’m back, so I will be grateful for that.”