Jackson Krueger Sports breaks down Vikings center Garrett Bradbury

Jackson Krueger Sports talks about how he’s a fan of Vikings center Garrett Bradbury. Here’s why

Despite Garrett Bradbury playing a position that is typically boring to watch, Jackson Krueger Sports said he has fun watching the Minnesota center.

Jackson Krueger Sports recently broke down Bradbury’s level of play on video, and he made some good points along the way.  Jackson Krueger Sports acknowledged that Bradbury has some weaknesses that are glaring, but those weak spots aren’t impossible for him to fix.

He also mentioned how Bradbury needs to work on pass blocking one-on-one a lot, but that he’s a center and that’s not the crux of his job.

Bradbury’s rookie season was in 2019, and there’s really no clear verdict for how good or bad he’s going to be just yet.

He’ll probably need more reps and more seasons under his belt in order for fans and experts to glean more information regarding the center. However, I think Jackson Krueger Sports does a good job of breaking him down here:

Here are some points that are broken down in the video:

  • Breaking away and finding the right man to block
  • Selling the defensive lineman on a play fake
  • Making a rookie mistake on a blocking assignment
  • Losing his footing
  • Pass blocking against the blitz