It’s sad Washington completely botched Sean Taylor’s number retirement

Sean Taylor, his family, and his fans deserve so much better than this.

Sean Taylor was just hitting the peak of his NFL career when he was murdered inside his Miami home during the 2007 season.

He was just 24 years old.

In his three-and-a-half years in the league, Taylor became a fan favorite in Washington and was named to two Pro Bowls.

The intensity he played with and his passion for the game made it very easy for Washington fans to fall in love with a young man who gave everything he had for his team, his fans, and the city of Washington D.C.

Somehow it has been almost 14 years since his death and the number he wore during his too-brief time with Washington still hasn’t been retired.

But today, of all the days and of all the weeks, we learned that his No. 21 will finally be retired by the only franchise he played for.

When will it be retired, you ask?

Sunday — three days from now.

Take that in for a second. Taylor was murdered in 2007 and here we are in 2021 and Dan Snyder’s franchise is finally retiring his number by giving fans just three days notice about a ceremony for a player whose legacy deserves much more recognition than this.

Three. Days. Notice.

Is anyone really surprised by this move from a franchise that seemingly always finds a way to do the wrong thing?

I’m not. And many Washington fans aren’t either.

The team later released this statement after so many fans ripped them for announcing this just three days before the game:

Come. On.

The franchise has been in the news this week for all the wrong reasons yet again. The investigation surrounding allegations of workplace misconduct led to the findings of some racist/homophobic/misogynistic emails from Jon Gruden that led to him stepping down as coach of the Las Vegas Raiders.

Many people have rightfully demanded that the NFL release all of the information discovered in the private investigation as a result.

And now, just a few days later, Washington decides to go public with the Sean Taylor celebration news?


Sean Taylor and his family deserve so much better than this and it wouldn’t be hard for Washington to do just that. I mean, it’s not hard to pick a date months in advance to give fans who loved Taylor time to plan for the event, especially those who’d probably make travel plans just to attend the game.

This whole thing isn’t fair for so many people and fans are right to be upset with the franchise.

Sean Taylor, his family, and his fans deserve so much better than this. But, unfortunately, that’s just not how this horrible franchise does things.

And that’s sad.