It is what it is: Max Holloway brings the sensibility on coronavirus precautions

Here’s a simple guideline for getting us all through the coronavirus pandemic safe and healthy: Be like Max Holloway.

The past several days have been one mentally exhausting stretch if you follow mixed martial arts.

MMA draws some of the smartest, funniest, sharpest minds you’ll ever come across in the sports world, bright people intrigued by both the human chess element of MMA and the complex personalities who participate.

Then there’s the other side of the coin: MMA draws its fair share of idiots, too. They’re not that big in number, but they’re really loud, and in times like this past weekend, that amplification makes them seem like a bigger percentage of the audience than they actually are.

So, predictably, once news started breaking last week that everyone aside from the UFC in professional sports was shutting its doors in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, the segment of the fan base who proudly tell you things like, “Bro, I educated myself through YouTube and found out the earth is flat,” started calling those who pleaded for common sense”snowflakes” and insisted there was no danger in the UFC proceeding with shows.

Just when you thought it was time to give up hope, though, along comes [autotag] Max Holloway[/autotag] to the rescue, along with his son, Rush.

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The former UFC featherweight champion has long been acknowledged as one of the sport’s genuine good people, one of the fighters you want to have front and center when you’re trying to explain the good side of the sport to people who don’t understand it.

On Monday, right around the time the UFC finally came to its senses and pulled the plug on its upcoming schedule, Holloway and son dropped an outstanding post on Instagram explaining why social distancing and washing your hands will be good for everyone in the long run.

In short, it’s not about you, the young guy or gal who will shake this off with no major issues. It’s about protecting your mom and your grandma and your great-grandma.

Let’s hear it from Max himself:

I don’t think there’s a doc out there who would say COVID-19 is more dangerous than fighting for a living. I’m not afraid of it to be honest. It’s like the flu but 10x more deadly. So what? I put myself in more danger every day. So for anybody else who feels that way I agree.⁣

But I also learned it’s not about me. I can carry it. I can have no symptoms like Donovan Mitchell. Then I can give it to my grandma and maybe she doesn’t beat it. Then what? All my UFC title belts ain’t gonna make me tough enough to deal with that responsibility.⁣

And he’s got a word for those of you who are inexplicably buying enough toiler paper to last until 2112, too:

I know when the govt says “prepare but don’t panic” that basically screams panic. I get it. But none of us need 48 rolls of toilet paper… So if you know someone who may need supplies, we need to help them and share. But also remember we could already have it and not know, so be VERY careful?⁣

A final word from “Blessed,” who might not hold a UFC belt right now but is still in every other way a champ:

This isn’t practice. This is a fight. You guys know me. I love to take fights into deep waters. This isn’t one we want to take into deep waters. The quicker we can slow the spread the quicker we get back to normal 🤙🏻

So remember, if you’re trying to figure out how to respond in the face of the pandemic, and the choices are people in your Twitter comments telling you this is no big deal or Max Holloway, here’s a handy rule of thumb: Be like Max.

Check out his full Instagram post:

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I don't think there's a doc out there who would say COVID-19 is more dangerous than fighting for a living. I'm not afraid of it to be honest. It's like the flu but 10x more deadly. So what? I put myself in more danger every day. So for anybody else who feels that way I agree.⁣ ⁣ But I also learned it's not about me. I can carry it. I can have no symptoms like Donovan Mitchell. Then I can give it to my grandma and maybe she doesn't beat it. Then what? All my UFC title belts ain't gonna make me tough enough to deal with that responsibility.⁣ ⁣ Hawaii doesn't have that many hospital beds… If just a few hundred elderly need to be in ICU for treatment then what? What happens then when Sista Moki gets in a car accident and the ICU is already full? I don't know. Nobody does and we don't want to find out.⁣ ⁣ This isn't about most of us who could get it and beat it. It's about the people who won't beat it so we gotta make sure we do our part to protect them. Take the social distancing seriously. Pretend you already have it. Distance yourself to protect others AND yourself.⁣ ⁣ I know when the govt says "prepare but don't panic" that basically screams panic. I get it. But none of us need 48 rolls of toilet paper… So if you know someone who may need supplies, we need to help them and share. But also remember we could already have it and not know, so be VERY careful?⁣ ⁣ And if you see me in the store, smile, point to the ground if you one banga, but we don't need to take photos. Most people who go to the store in normal times probably only interact with one or two strangers. When I go anywhere I have hundreds of interactions, a lot of people come up to me. I'm a magnet for viruses. It's not good for your loved ones health for you to interact with me now. ⁣ ⁣ I promise when this is all over my team will do meet and greets so everyone who wants a photo or autograph can get one, so don't worry you will not be missing your chance. ⁣ ⁣ This isn't practice. This is a fight. You guys know me. I love to take fights into deep waters. This isn't one we want to take into deep waters. The quicker we can slow the spread the quicker we get back to normal 🤙🏻

A post shared by Max Holloway (@blessedmma) on

I don’t think there’s a doc out there who would say COVID-19 is more dangerous than fighting for a living. I’m not afraid of it to be honest. It’s like the flu but 10x more deadly. So what? I put myself in more danger every day. So for anybody else who feels that way I agree.⁣

But I also learned it’s not about me. I can carry it. I can have no symptoms like Donovan Mitchell. Then I can give it to my grandma and maybe she doesn’t beat it. Then what? All my UFC title belts ain’t gonna make me tough enough to deal with that responsibility.⁣

Hawaii doesn’t have that many hospital beds… If just a few hundred elderly need to be in ICU for treatment then what? What happens then when Sista Moki gets in a car accident and the ICU is already full? I don’t know. Nobody does and we don’t want to find out.⁣

This isn’t about most of us who could get it and beat it. It’s about the people who won’t beat it so we gotta make sure we do our part to protect them. Take the social distancing seriously. Pretend you already have it. Distance yourself to protect others AND yourself.⁣

I know when the govt says “prepare but don’t panic” that basically screams panic. I get it. But none of us need 48 rolls of toilet paper… So if you know someone who may need supplies, we need to help them and share. But also remember we could already have it and not know, so be VERY careful?⁣

And if you see me in the store, smile, point to the ground if you one banga, but we don’t need to take photos. Most people who go to the store in normal times probably only interact with one or two strangers. When I go anywhere I have hundreds of interactions, a lot of people come up to me. I’m a magnet for viruses. It’s not good for your loved ones health for you to interact with me now. ⁣

I promise when this is all over my team will do meet and greets so everyone who wants a photo or autograph can get one, so don’t worry you will not be missing your chance. ⁣

This isn’t practice. This is a fight. You guys know me. I love to take fights into deep waters. This isn’t one we want to take into deep waters. The quicker we can slow the spread the quicker we get back to normal 🤙🏻

The Blue Corner is MMA Junkie’s blog space. We don’t take it overly serious, and neither should you. If you come complaining to us that something you read here is not hard-hitting news, expect to have the previous sentence repeated in ALL CAPS.

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