Isaiah Wilson deletes tweet saying he’s ‘done with football as a Titan’

Wilson seems as unhappy with the Titans as they are with him.

We were waiting for the next episode in the saga that is 2020 first-round pick Isaiah Wilson and the Tennessee Titans, and it appears we got it on Monday evening.

ESPN’s Turron Davenport retweeted a Wilson tweet saying he’s “done with football as a Titan” but it was deleted shortly after. However, as we all know, the internet is forever and a screenshot was caught of it.

This comes on the heels of general manager Jon Robinson being quite blunt in his assessment of the situation involving Wilson during his last press conference.

“He’s going to have to make a determination if he wants to do everything necessary to play pro football, and that’s going to be on him,” Robinson said, in what was his most direct response to a question about Wilson yet.

As if a currently off-the-rails situation couldn’t get any worse. Now there isn’t just frustration on the part of the Titans, but also the player, for whatever reason that might be.

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