Is the Steelers 3-0 record just smoke and mirrors?

Are the Steelers contenders or is just a product of bad competition?

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The Pittsburgh Steelers are 3-0 for the first time since 2010. The last time the Steelers started off 3-0 they went to the Super Bowl. This is all great news. But does any of it matter?


What happened a decade ago in the NFL might as well be a century ago. The entire meta of the NFL game has gone through multiple iterations over the last 10 years so what mattered then matters much less now.

This may sound like I’m diminishing what Pittsburgh has done. This time last year, this team was without its franchise quarterback and were sitting at 0-3. So we cannot deny the progress.

However, when you look at these three wins, keep in mind the combined records of the New York Giants, Denver Broncos and Houston Texans is 0-9. Does this diminish what the Steelers have accomplished? Not in the least. But it is something to consider when the Steelers hit the meat of this schedule.

You might be saying to yourself that will happen next week when the Steelers travel to Tennessee to take on the Titans. Unfortunately, if we follow the same line of thinking, the fact the combined records of the Titans foes so far this season is also 0-9 we find ourselves in a bit of a predicament.

There’s an old adage that says you can only play the teams on your schedule. And there is no accounting for style points. When the playoffs come around, the best teams get in and the cards fall where they are going to fall.

It is without a doubt Pittsburgh is going to face much tougher games this season and they will be tested. Let’s just hope by then the time those games show up on the schedule, the Steelers will be playing much more consistent football.

I want to pass the question off to Steeler Nation. Do you feel like the Steelers are among the NFL elite after three weeks or is their record just smoke and mirrors?

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