Is the ‘soap treadmill’ actually a good way to stay in shape while stuck at home?

We gave it a try.

I love the ingenuity of people who are stuck at home while practicing social distancing and quarantining during the coronavirus pandemic.

Like Atlanta Hawks star Trae Young, who started the #InHouseChallenge in which he shot sock balls into garbage cans to keep up his shooting touch (or just to pass the time).

And then there are folks like Olympic silver medalist Paul Chelimo who are trying to find ways to run on treadmills even though many gyms are closed or they might not own a machine in their house.

They’re using dish soap, water and bare feet to take a “walk.”

I was skeptical even though those videos made it look like it worked. So I gave it a shot (see above!) in my New York City apartment, and the result was decidedly this: I’d rather take a walk or run outside than slip and bang my face on my kitchen counter.

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