Incoming rookie Larry Bird has sage advice for a future Celtics squad in the present

Less of a time machine and more a timeless perspective, the 2021-22 Celtics could learn a bit from a young Larry Legend.

The Boston Celtics of 2021-22 could do themselves a bit of a favor by reaching back into the storied franchise’s past for advice on how to truly unlock their considerable potential, with one Celtics legend Larry Bird proffering up the sage words even before suiting up for the team he’d forge a Hall of Fame career with.

Last season’s Celtics were among the league’s worst in moving the ball, and their win-loss record did plenty of work underscoring why that was no minor problem for the team. A squad some expected to be a borderline contender barely squeaked into the playoffs, and while some of the blame can be laid at the feet of injury and COVID-19, plenty more was a product of stagnant ball movement and self-interested play.

So what would a pre-rookie Larry Legend recommend to these young Celtics then?