In light of recent events, should the Steelers consider Colin Kaepernick?

Some team is going to sign Colin Kaepernick. Should it be Pittsburgh?

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It’s the NFL and like Bob Dylan said, “Times they are a-changin’.” Commissioner Roger Goodell put out a video where he apologized for the NFL’s stance on peaceful protests and said the league was wrong in how they handled them. This by itself opens up the league for some pretty significant changes this offseason.

But is also brings back quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick hasn’t played in three years but by all accounts, he has never stopped training. Kaepernick is 32 years old and led the San Francisco 49ers to a Super Bowl.

With everything going on, some team is going to sign Kaepernick. It’s inevitable. It would not only add a player who might still be able to contribute to a good team but would be a massive PR move for any franchise who takes the risk. Should that be the Pittsburgh Steelers?

I would assume more fans will say no. We put out a poll just a few days ago about if Steelers fans would be OK with players kneeling during the anthem and overwhelmingly you all said no.

If you feel like adding Kaepernick would open the Steelers up to distractions over the protests, I get that. But the reality is it is going to happen this year whether Kaepernick in on a roster or not. The league has practically no leverage otherwise.

But if your argument against Kaepernick has anything to do with his play on the field, you didn’t watch last season. The Steelers got horrific quarterback play when Ben Roethlisberger went down with an injury and it is hard to say with a straight face they could do worse with Kaepernick.

Let us know in the comments if you think it would be a smart move for Pittsburgh to sign Kaepernick from a football and non-football standpoint.

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