Important Notre Dame football news: Sam Hartman facial hair is gone

An update to an update…

For eight glorious weeks the beard of Notre Dame quarterback Sam Hartman graced the college campus.  It was sharp, majestic, and just downright impressive.

Then one day last week it was suddenly just gone.

Notre Dame football’s social media team posted a short video of Hartman throwing at practice last week and the beard has disappeared but a mustache remained.

Well, now that mustache appears to also be history.

Hartman was participating at an event at the Notre Dame bookstore on Sunday and posed for a photo with a fan.  That fan posted a couple of images to social media and as you can see for yourself, the mustache is now gone, too.

Hartman’s beard was more impressive at 24 than any beard I’ve tried to grow (or been too lazy to shave) in my 37-years.

As much as the bye week was needed I think it’s safe to say we’re looking forward to games again here at Fighting Irish Wire.

Related: Sam Hartman Photo Gallery at Notre Dame