HoYoverse finally reveals Genshin Impact’s Cloud Retainer as playable character

After almost a year of leaks and speculation from fans, HoYoverse finally revealed Genshin Impact’s Cloud Retainer as a playable character

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After almost a year of leaks and speculation from fans, HoYoverse finally revealed Genshin Impact’s Cloud Retainer as a playable character. Sort of. The name Cloud Retainer uses in her human form – and her official name on the character banner – is Xianyun.

Xianyun is a 5-star Anemo character who, assuming HoYoverse’s usual pattern of teases and reveals holds true, will debut in Genshin Impact 4.4, sometime in February 2024. That’s plenty of time to save up Primogems if you’re keen on adding Cloud Retainer to your team.

It puts Xianyun in the Lantern Rite period, an annual in-game festival celebrating the new year in Liyue, and it’s a fitting period for her.

Cloud Retainer first turned up in her human form during a touching sequence in Lantern Rite 2023, where her friend and fellow adeptus Madam Ping reminisced about days gone by and lost friends.

Xianyun’s kit leaked right before HoYoverse made the announcement, and assuming the leaks are accurate, it looks like she’ll occupy her unique role. Xianyun’s skill reportedly lets her use plunging attacks with ease, and her burst provides healing or attack boosts.

HoYoverse also revealed Gaming – not pronounced like you think it is – another new 5-star character set to debut alongside Xianyun. He has a Pyro vision, though there aren’t as many reliable leaks about his kit just yet.

Meanwhile, Genshin Impact 4.3 is about to launch, bringing with it Navia, Chevreuse, and Fontaine’s first-ever film festival.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF