Is it too early still?
Many Ohio State fans are still licking their wounds after the bizarre, chaotic, heart-pumping affair in the Playstation Fiesta Bowl Saturday night. The dust is beginning to settle, but the loss still hurts and feels much like a missed opportunity.
I’ve been around long enough to experience painful losses, and this one should have been in the win column. It stings more than getting wiped off the map 31-0 like what happened in 2016. Never in covering OSU football have I ever left a game as disappointed and surprised a game wasn’t won that what I experienced from the press box Saturday.
But I digress …
But there’s some good that can come of that, and it’s in the way of adding fuel and momentum to what will take place in 2020. In fact, many of the current players took to Twitter to let their thought be known about the next run Ohio State is looking to make next year. Others that are moving on from the program simply expressed grattitude.
Here’s a look at some of the best Twitter responses in-line from a sampling of players.
Justin Fields:
I thank God for an amazing year as a Buckeye. Thank you Buckeye nation for your support. We’ll be back!
Eph 1:11 His will!
— Justin Fields (@justnfields) December 29, 2019
Running back J.K. Dobbins:
I know we didn’t get the outcome we wanted, but I love my team and my brothers. Thanks for also being there with us Buckeye nation
— Jk dobbins (@Jkdobbins22) December 29, 2019
Defensive tackle Taron Vincent:
We gon win us one before it’s said and done.
— Taron Vincent (@t_lova23) December 30, 2019
Star wide-receiver, sophomore Chris Olave:
Appreciate all the love! Thank you Buckeye Nation for the endless support this year! We’ll be back.
— Chris Olave (@chrisolave_) December 29, 2019
Freshman wide-receiver Garrett Wilson:
Was a pleasure getting to play, learn from, and build relationships with my brothers on this team. Sorry it ended that way.
— Garrett Wilson (@GarrettWilson_V) December 29, 2019
With that said. Next year everybody’s in trouble.. we’ll be back.
— Garrett Wilson (@GarrettWilson_V) December 29, 2019
Linebacker Baron Browning:
win or lose…. Buckeyes vs
— Baron Browning (@baronbrwnng) December 29, 2019
Wide-receiver Binjimen Victor:
Thank you Buckeye Nation it’s been an honor! To my brothers I love y’all 4L
— BenVictor
(@BinjimenVictor) December 29, 2019
Wide-receiver Austin Mack:
I wish things could of been different last night, but after looking back, I’m thankful I chose to be a buckeye. Thank you Buckeye Nation, thanks to everyone that’s helped me get to where I am at. It’s been an amazing 4years ! #11AM
— Austin Mack (@Austin__Mack11) December 29, 2019
Offensive lineman Branden Bowen:
To my teammates, THE Ohio State University, and #BuckeyeNation. Thank you for an unforgettable five years. #GoBucks
— Branden Bowen (@BrandenBowen) December 29, 2019
Cornerback Jeff Okudah:
Hate to let Ohio State down…. This season has gave us memories that will last a lifetime. #GoBucks
— Jeff Okudah (@jokudah) December 29, 2019
Safety Jordan Fuller:
Huge thank you to all my teammates, coaches, and buckeyes out there that made this year so special. This year was unforgettable
— Jordan Fuller (@j_fuller4) December 29, 2019
I’m sure there are others, and there’s no doubt other teams that do this, but it’s just another bit of evidence on how tight this team was and will likely remain as time goes by. The 2019 Buckeyes may not have won a national title, but it very well could — maybe should — have.
It’ll still be remembered as the years go by.