How did Tom Brady become a topic at President Trump’s news briefing?

Tom Brady came up while President Trump met the press corps Thursday for a news briefing.

Tom Brady is turning up everywhere. The new Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback was mentioned Thursday during President Donald Trump’s news briefing with the press corps.

Per the Washington Post:

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) clashed with President Trump during a conference call with governors on Thursday, pleading with him to take more dramatic action to secure medical supplies for his state as it suffers from the coronavirus pandemic, according to four people familiar with the call.

After Trump told governors that his administration was ready to be the “backup” for states in crisis, Inslee spoke up and said to the president, “We don’t need a backup. We need a Tom Brady,” a reference to the Super Bowl-winning quarterback who has been friendly with the president, said the people familiar with the exchange with the president, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private conference call.

Brady and the President have long been acquainted and the quarterback got caught up in a political firestorm in 2015 when a “Make America Great Again” hat was spotted in his locker.