Hot mics pick up the NSFW stuff Aaron Boone yelled at ump after being ejected

Another Aaron Boone F-bomb filled ejection!

Aaron Boone yelling NSFW stuff at an umpire? Where have we seen this one before?

Oh, right. There was that time in August, and that video from 2022 and one from 2021 and … well, you get the idea.

This time, Jomboy didn’t need to be involved. It seemed like fewer fans in the stands at Yankee Stadium meant the mics were hotter when Boone was tossed on Wednesday night. You can hear Boone say, “He’s having a hell of a night,” before he adds, “I know you have the biggest zone in the league, you must [expletive] know it, too!”

I couldn’t hear the rest, but there’s another F-bomb in there (WARNING: NSFW LANGUAGE AHEAD!):

This one came a night after another umpire was heard asking if Boone said something and added, “I hope not!”