Here’s what Mac Jones does to celebrate a Patriots’ win

Mac Jones has a hilarious gameday diet, including his celebratory dessert.

Mac Jones has a hilarious gameday diet.

By now, you may have heard what the quarterback enjoys before games: steak, eggs and spaghetti. That’s breakfast, no matter what time he plays. He won’t break his routine. If Jones logs a win, he’ll also allow himself an indulgence or two. That said, he doesn’t drink alcohol, unlike his coach.

“No,” Jones said during an interview on WEEI sports radio on Monday. “I usually just honestly go home and hang out with my family, eat some dessert. I definitely get a little dessert after the game. But yeah, everyone has their own way of celebrating. I don’t think it’s right or wrong to do one thing or the other. For me, I just try and get home and be with my family and my puppy.”

What’s the dessert of choice?

“It had been chocolate chips for the longest time, but my new thing has been the mochi balls,” Jones said. “It’s like the rice balls with ice cream in them. They’re so good.”

Agreed. Green tea is the best.

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