Hear what Dolphins coach Brian Flores had to say after win vs. Bengals

The Miami Dolphins prevailed on Sunday over the Cincinnati Bengals. Hear what head coach Brian Flores told his players afterwards.

Say what you will about the 2019 Miami Dolphins, one thing we know for sure is that this team has quickly taken on the personality of their head coach, Brian Flores. How, exactly? They don’t care about the odds, they don’t care about the draft. They care about the here and now and they want to win. Badly. Even though they aren’t supposed to.

That has never been more evident than Sunday afternoon against the Cincinnati Bengals. The Dolphins watched a 16-point lead evaporate in the final 29 seconds of regulation. And, at that point, it would have been very easy to lie down the sword and gracefully take a loss. One blown assignment or bad snap is all it would have taken.

But instead, the Dolphins buckled down. There were several contested passes on defense to prevent the Bengals from working out from deep within their own territory in the extra period and Dolphins receiver Isaiah Ford provided the critical play to position Miami for the win.

And in the locker room after the game, Brian Flores made sure his team took away a big lesson from the game.

Make sure you find something you love as much as these Dolphins love ‘Victory Monday’. The trials of this 2019 season haven’t been easy for anyone but seeing this team gravitate towards the chance to relish wins and continue to bounce back from adversity should have everyone cheering for Miami excited for what the future holds.

Before the season, the expectation for South Florida was to be perhaps the worst team in NFL history. Fast forward sixteen weeks and these Dolphins aren’t even the worst team in 2019. Not by a long shot.

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