Having streamlined its teaching points for officials working across all of its leagues — NBA, WNBA, G League and the new Basketball Africa League — the league expects similarity in its referee mechanics. McCutchen acknowledged that a G League official obviously won’t be as experienced or ready to jump into an NBA game as the NBA’s veteran officials, but the league does expect the G League and other referee call-ups to handle “their third” — the area of the floor where, depending on each of the ref’s assignments in a given game, to which they’re supposed to pay attention — at a high level. “I need you to be asserted and disciplined,” McCutchen said. “If I’m assertive within my disciplined area of responsibility, the NBA goes off really well. And because we’ve trained, I hate to be overly flippant about it, but ‘wax on, wax off’ works in life. When you really get in there, when we see somebody go out of (their) primary, and for us, that means they’re stretching too far, we’re holding people accountable to that. We’re saying ‘no, that’s not your responsibility.’”