Have you experienced police brutality …

Have you experienced police brutality or racial profiling by the police yourself? Damian Lillard: One time, when I was driving after I just got my first car. I bought my car in Oakland and I had to be back at school in Utah the next day. I drove back to school with my cousin, and I got to Elko, Nevada, and I was just driving through Nevada, a couple hours from Utah. And I get pulled over by highway patrol. They pull us over, walk up to the car. They ask for my license and everything. I tell them I just bought this car yesterday at home. It’s a new car. I’m registering the car in Utah. I start school tomorrow. I got insurance. I tell him everything but I’m giving him an update on where I am with it. And they’re like, “So what are you doing in Nevada. We get a lot of drugs coming through here. Do you have any drugs in the car?”