Hamidou Diallo opts to wear special jersey phrase during Orlando games

One of the Thunder’s younger studs is exercising his right to send a message once play resumes in Orlando.

In the aftermath of national protests and the NBPA collectively wishing to make statements in favor of social justice initiatives, the players union negotiated with the NBA to allow those participating in Orlando to replace the last name on their jerseys with an approved phrase or slogan.

Thunder guard Hamidou Diallo will join teammate Chris Paul in exercising that right, as it was reported on Monday that Diallo will have his last name appearing on the back of his jersey replaced with “Black Lives Matter,” which is one of the 29 approved messages.

Aside from “Black Lives Matter,” players will also be permitted to use one of the following phrases: Say Their Names; Vote; I Can’t Breathe; Justice; Peace; Equality; Freedom; Enough; Power to the People; Justice Now; Say Her Name; Sí Se Puede (Yes We Can); Liberation; See Us; Hear Us; Respect Us; Love Us; Listen; Listen to Us; Stand Up; Ally; Anti-Racist; I Am A Man; Speak Up; How Many More; Group Economics; Education Reform; and Mentor.

Paul himself has decided to go with “EQUALITY” for his phrase. Many of the NBA’s other superstars — including LeBron James and Anthony Davis of the Los Angeles Lakers — have either declined to exercise their right or haven’t publicized their intentions.

Diallo, obviously, has.