Hall of Famer Jason Taylor is buying the Miami Dolphins’ rebuild

Hall of Famer Jason Taylor is buying the Miami Dolphins’ rebuild

Jason Taylor knows what the formula for success looks like in the NFL. Taylor, who is one of the league’s all-time leaders in quarterback sacks, experienced individual and team success throughout the course of his pro career. No, the twilight of his NFL career didn’t flourish and produce prominent results in terms of team wins; but Taylor was a part of seven consecutive winning seasons to start his Dolphins career.

So if the current Miami Dolphins regime has his endorsement; that’s one heck of a supporter to have in your corner — and yet that’s exactly where Jason Taylor stands as Dolphins fans near and far hopefully watch this coaching staff and scouting department hope to build something Miami hasn’t seen in quite a while: a winner.

Taylor spoke recently with Will Manso of WPLG and shared his thoughts on Miami’s rebuild:

“I absolutely do (see the Dolphins trending in the right direction). I’m excited about Coach Flo being here last year — people were a little bit upset or whatever, not upset but a little uneasy about ‘oh, they won too many games, they took themselves out of the spot to get the No. 1 quarterback that they want!’; I think they still got the quarterback they wanted,” said Taylor.

“I thought Chris Grier did a fantastic job … I’m optimistic. I think they have the right guys at the head of the organization in Coach Flores and players are responding. I love that Fitzpatrick is still here with Tua. Tua will come through his physical stuff and be ready to go. And the best part of it? I know everyone is excited about the quarterback, but they got a lot of fat guys! You’ve got to have fat guys to be successful — offensive linemen, forgive me for saying you’re fat; but they are a little bit. Defense they’ve got some big boys on the defensive line, too. So if you can sure up where the guys always get their hands dirty, then you’ve got a good football team.”

Forgive Taylor’s candidness with the offensive linemen — one has to imagine it is in his nature to badger them as he likely would after beating them to the quarterback for all those years. At the root of Taylor’s excitement is that the Dolphins are invested in fixing the trenches, which has long been a sore spot for the Dolphins. With more added attention and investment there, Miami can dictate the pace of play accordingly — and yield wins at a rate that would make the teams Taylor played on early in his career proud.