GQ: I was talking to my dad the other …

GQ: I was talking to my dad the other day, asking for his perspective on everything that’s going on, as someone who lived through the civil rights era and faced racial discrimination his entire life. He just kept saying he was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was reminded of that phrase when I first listened to “Blacklist.” Is that how you felt writing it, and what was your mental state when you got in the booth? Damian Lillard: I mean, just frustrated. Feeling like a little helpless because growing up, I experienced so many of those things where we had, you know, neighborhood picnics where a fight would break out and guns were drawn. I had guns drawn on me as a little kid. I grew up around people like Oscar Grant, who was killed by a cop. And he’s face-down on the ground. Seeing people get harassed by cops my whole life. Then I went off to college in Utah, where things were way different. I got a chance to focus on myself and have peace of mind. Now I live in a suburb.