Giant crocodile jumps into fishing boat in ‘rare’ nighttime attack

Four fishermen in Australia were fortunate to have escaped serious injuries last weekend when a large crocodile jumped into their boat and began to bite one of the seats.

Four fishermen in Australia were fortunate to have escaped serious injuries last weekend when a large crocodile jumped into their boat and began to bite one of the seats.

The bizarre incident occurred at night on April 24 in Kakadu National Park, apparently after the men had stopped on the South Alligator River to cook dinner aboard the vessel.

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ABC Australia reports that the crocodile, estimated to measure 13-plus feet, launched out of the water and somehow flung its entire body over the rail.

A 32-year-old New South Wales man was slightly injured during the harrowing encounter.

Kakadu National Park. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Adam Britton, a crocodile expert, described this kind of attack as “incredibly rare” but added: “Big crocs can push themselves out of the water, especially if they’ve got something to rest against like the side of a boat.”

The crocodile bit the seat occupied by the man who was injured. He was treated for moderate abrasions at a nearby health center and released.

The crocodile, which escaped back into the river after causing extensive damage to the boat, became the subject of a hunt by a Kakadu National Park team of experts.

Apparently, it’s one of two crocodiles that have been deemed problem animals.

Warning signs – including one stating that a 4-meter crocodile has been stealing fish and harassing boats – have been placed on the river’s banks, according to ABC Australia.

It was unclear at the time of this post whether any crocodiles have been captured or killed by authorities.

Kakadu National Park is located in Australia’s Northern Territory southeast of Darwin.

–Images vai Wikimedia Commons