German actor Flula Borg delivered an absolutely hilarious explanation of baseball

So. Good.

If you have ever tried to watch a cricket match without knowing any of the rules, you could probably relate with the confusion of a first-time watcher of baseball.

Baseball, for all its history as America’s pastime, is a game with a seemingly endless list of rules and unique exceptions to those rules. It’s the kind of game where you have to explain the basics of three strikes for a strikeout and four balls for a walk before being like, “Oh, wait, it’s not a strikeout if you foul off a pitch with two strikes but it is a strikeout if you foul off a bunt attempt with two strikes. A bunt is …”

And then you’re talking for hours.

So, with all that in mind, German actor Flula Borg had just about the perfect explanation for the very confusing game of baseball.

And there was more!

Baseball makes no sense. That’s why it’s such a wonderful game.

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