Former Patriots OL admits to stealing this from opposing locker rooms

Former Patriots Pro Bowler admits he had sticky fingers for one item

Hide your stools whenever former New England Patriots offensive tackle Matt Light is in the building.

The three-time Super Bowl champion appeared on the latest episode of the “Games with Names” podcast with Julian Edelman and admitted to stealing a stool from nearly every opposing locker room he visited in his career.

It isn’t uncommon for players to take memorabilia in the NFL. Edelman once admitted to taking things from legendary quarterback Tom Brady’s locker, such as game-worn cleats, jerseys and even deodorant.

However, this time, he put Light in the hot seat by asking him about the stools he used to steal from opposing stadiums.

“I’m not going to jail on your podcast,” Light said. “…That stool is in my house right now. It was nice and square. It has to be, I’m going to say quarter-sawn white oak. In the center, it has a recessed brass plate with the number 72. I searched all through the locker room to find the right one, and then I put it in my equipment bag.”

Light admitted to stealing stools from almost every place the team went to. His favorite stool, however, is one he snatched from the Kansas City Chiefs.

“My most favorite stool is KC. No 72, but it’s awesome,” said Light.

Along with stools, Light also admitted to taking Patriots Super Bowl banners from hotels. So one can imagine the former Patriots legend has built up quite the collection over the years.

Opposing stadiums might have to start gluing things down whenever Edelman and Light are in town.