Former Patriots LB Cassius Marsh takes swipe at ‘boring’ team meetings

Cassius Marsh took aim at have a the New England Patriots ran their team meetings,

Former New England Patriots linebacker Cassius Marsh has taken aim at the organization in recent months, sharing his distaste for Patriots head coach Bill Belichick. He indicated on Monday that the Patriots team meetings were not ones full of fun.

Speaking on Tom Segura’s podcast, Marsh took aim at how the team meetings were being run, saying that Belichick does most of the talking. Evidently, Belichick tends to cover a lot during his team meetings, and does not skimp on the details for the opposing teams.

Marsh indicated that he did not enjoy listening to Belichick speak, although he did say that Belichick was an intelligent coach.

“Dude, OK. So [laughing]. Yo, so, imagine like, oh man … imagine you’re working like a 9 to 5, and like, everybody’s at like a team meeting, right? And it’s almost in like a school assembly, OK? And the dude who walks in is like the CEO and he’s like an old dude who you know just plays no games. So like when he walks in, it’s dead quiet. Like … everything stops. All phones get put away. All laughter, any type of little chit-chat, done. K? Nobody plays around with Bill. I mean … nobody plays with Bill for the most part,” Marsh said.

“So he walks in there and then he comes up to like a podium and he addresses the team for like 45 minutes to an hour every morning. He talks about the GM’s history, talks about the team’s history, talks about defensive, offensive coordinator’s history, the way that they used to run their defense, the way that they run their defense now, the history of all of the coaches.”

Evidently, Marsh still holds a very strong grudge against Belichick. Perhaps even more evident, he is not afraid to deliver a soundbite or two.

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