Former NFL OL Mark Schlereth believes it’s ‘Super Bowl or bust’ for Ravens QB Lamar Jackson

Former NFL offensive lineman Mark Schlereth believes it’s “Super Bowl or bust” for Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson

The Baltimore Ravens are looking to win their first Super Bowl since 2012-2013 when they defeated the San Fransisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII. Since then, the team has only made one AFC Championships game, no Super Bowls, and continues looking for answers to return to the big dance.

Former NFL offensive lineman Mark Schlereth has been under fire for his recent comments on Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson on his podcast “Stinkin’ Truth.” More videos have surfaced of Schlereth talking about Baltimore and Lamar Jackson, saying that this is “Super Bowl or bust” for the star quarterback.

Schlereth also questioned the Ravens’ strategy during the AFC Championship game, saying that the team isn’t wired to have Jackson throw from the pocket to beat everybody. He did acknowledge growth from the quarterback, but his comments have Baltimore fans outraged at how Jackson is being criticized.