Former Clemson DL details long journey to first initial 53-man roster

For former Clemson defensive lineman DeShawn Williams, his path to the Denver Broncos’ initial 53-man roster has been a very long and winding road. It marks the first time that Williams – who was cut 11 different times in the past six years – has …

For former Clemson defensive lineman DeShawn Williams, his path to the Denver Broncos’ initial 53-man roster has been a very long and winding road.

It marks the first time that Williams — who was cut 11 different times in the past six years — has been a member of an NFL team’s initial 53-man roster.

“I don’t know too many people that would have stuck it through seven years and getting cut 11 times with the unknown of this league,” Williams said in a video series titled “My Why.”

Watch Williams go in-depth on his emotions after making the Broncos’ 53-man roster, how appreciative he is of the opportunity and more:

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