Florida stars Kyle Pitts and Kyle Trask put together their own highlight reel against Ole Miss

The Kyle to Kyle connection, folks.

Saturday was a good day to be a Kyle, apparently.

Florida quarterback Kyle Trask and tight end Kyle Pitts had themselves a day against Ole Miss on Saturday — and it’s not even over yet.

So far in Florida’s game Trask has thrown for 343 yards and 5 (!!!) touchdowns with a quarter left to play in the game. And, of course, three of those touchdowns and 146 of those yards went to Pitts at tight end.

There was absolutely nothing Ole Miss could do with the Kyle to Kyle connection. The two have just been on the same page all game long. Pitts scored the first touchdown of the year for Florida with this catch.

They’ve also hooked up for ridiculous catches like this one. No idea what you’re supposed to do with this. What a throw.

Like, fam. What do you do with that? Double teams don’t even matter. They also hooked up on this big play here.

And it feels fair to ask now if Pitts is actually a tight end because, uh, this is definitely not regular tight end speed.

The Kyle to Kyle connection, folks. You absolutely love to see it.

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