Flag on Mike Hilton wins ‘Dumb Penalty Of The Week’ award

The call was so bad it already won an award.

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There has been a lot of talk about the helmet-to-helmet hit called against Cincinnati Bengals cornerback Mike Hilton late in the fourth quarter that helped the New York Jets to go on to pull the upset of Week 8.

A lot of that talk has been absolutely negative towards the officials, namely head referee Craig Wrolstad.

Add Peter King of NBC Sports to that list, as in his latest Football Morning in America column, he unloads on the officials for making the, as he put it, “crap call”.

He added the following:

It’s customary in the NFL to b**** about officials’ calls. I don’t write about them much because who cares? Every team gets crappy calls. But there was one penalty Sunday that truly bothered me, and it should bother the NFL.

It usually takes a lot to upset the great Peter King, so you know this was a bad call if he is even riled up about it.

Wrolstad answered questions about the call after the game. The world, meanwhile, had wild reactions to the call.

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