Five questions about Texas head coach Steve Sarkisian

With the addition of Steve Sarkisian to Texas, Roll Tide Wire answers five questions about the addition to the Longhorns.

Depending on who you ask, there are varying opinions on the Texas Longhorns hiring Steve Sarkisian.

Was it the right move to take on $25 million buyout for Tom Herman and his staff in favor of Sark? Did he learn from his mistakes at Southern California that ultimately cost him his job only 18 games into his second head coaching stint?

Those are notable concerns to have for the newest head coach. The Longhorns once tried to persuade Nick Saban to leave Alabama for Texas and it didn’t work. They tried to coax Urban Meyer out of retirement and life in the broadcast booth and that didn’t work either. So instead they went with a current Saban assistant.

Saban assistants don’t always work but Kirby Smart did lead Georgia into a National Championship game. For every Jeremy Pruitt at Tennessee story, there is a positive one to go right along with it. Sark has been a head coach before and did a remarkable job at Washington, especially when you consider what he inherited.

To help us answer questions about Sark coming to Austin, Clint Lamb of Roll Tide Wire gives his take on the hire. Plus what it could mean down the road for Texas.