Five Former Notre Dame Players Who Would Make Great WWE Wrestlers

What happens when the stress of the world is as thick as thick gets and there aren’t games to recap or recruiting commitments or visits to analyze?  You need to find a way to have a little bit of fun.  

Quenton Nelson: Offensive Guard, 2014-2017

Credit: Matt Cashore-USA TODAY Sports

Quenton Nelson made it a habit of burying people during his days playing on Notre Dame’s offensive line.  He quickly adjusted to the NFL where he has done more of the same the last two seasons as an Indianapolis Colt.

He’s not afraid to take over a room as the stories of him commanding respect and a change in attitude from his first day in Indianapolis are well-documented.  A quick visit to his Instagram page shows you a guy who appears all business on the football field having a fun personality off of it.

I can only imagine what kind of finishing move Nelson could come up with seeing as what he’s already done to countless souls on the football field over the years.

Who is missing from this list?  Share your thoughts in the forum!