Endwalker, the latest expansion for Final Fantasy 14, will probably stress its servers like never before.
Early access for Endwalker begins Dec. 3 and Square Enix is warning fans ahead of time that servers might buckle a bit under the demand. It happens every expansion launch but given the dramatic increase in new players, especially over the summer, Endwalker’s release might be shakier than Heavensward, Stormblood or even Shadowbringers were.
In a new blog post on Final Fantasy 14’s website, the development team chose to address the impending server issues head-on.
“As such, there is a high likelihood of congestion that will result in [servers] reaching maximum login capacity and lengthy wait times when logging in,” Square Enix said. “We would like to apologize for making this sort of announcement at a time when many of you are looking forward to the expansion, as well as for inconveniences that may be caused by congestion.”
We would like to share some information regarding the congestion that may occur during the Early Access period and release of #Endwalker.
https://t.co/FNHXRwcci2 pic.twitter.com/Bq4WrKAeLe
— FINAL FANTASY XIV (@FF_XIV_EN) November 30, 2021
The post also mentions Square Enix’s efforts to combat these issues, including updating server infrastructure and raising simultaneous login limits. However, the team also stresses that they could not add new servers to Final Fantasy 14 in time for Endwalker’s release due to the ongoing global semiconductor shortage. A problem Nintendo, Sony and Valve are experiencing with hardware as well.
There’s probably not a single Final Fantasy 14 fan that won’t run into issues during Endwalker’s release. That’s right — not even Doja Cat.
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Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.
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