FIFA 22: How to prep for Team of the Year

Get your FUT club in shape for the biggest promo of the cycle.

Since its launch a few years ago, Team of the Year has become the most anticipated and arguably most exciting ‘promo’ on the Ultimate Team calendar, and FIFA 22‘s is shaping up to be no exception. It has a simple premise: EA Sports puts out a squad of the 11 best footballers of the previous calendar year, based on a mixture of voting and the developer’s own editorial discretion. But unlike the average promo team, there are no duds, and every card is considerably more powerful and well-rounded than your everyday special player.

So what, you may ask? The average fan will never pack one without spending a fortune on FIFA Points. That may be true, but TOTY is such a festival of hype and surrounding in-game content that there are usually lots of ways to get involved, whether by opening saved packs and grinding the ever-popular “upgrade SBCs” (Squad-Building Challenges), or by taking advantage of market fluctuations to build up your FUT coins. Whatever your approach, you will want to prep your club before the festivities begin, which is usually in mid-to-late January.