Favorite Spartans of all time bracket round one: Mateen Cleaves region

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7. Mike Sadler vs. 10. Muhsin Muhammad

Mike Sadler feels like another under-seeded guy. First, he was an absolutely outstanding punter and a legitimate weapon during Dantonio’s greatest years. Second, he was such a good and joyful guy, always having fun with coaches, teammates, and in the media. He was smart and funny and totally beloved. Plus, he had a knack for converting trick plays in big spots. His untimely death in 2016 shook Michigan State football to its core. He is remember as one of the best to ever punt at MSU and always a fan favorite.

Sadler takes on Muhsin Muhammad. Muhammad was a late bloomer, breaking out his senior season at MSU in 1995. Muhammad went from off the radar to a second round NFL pick with basically one year of production. He turned that into a successful 13-year NFL career where he was a two-time pro bowler and was first-team All-Pro in 2004. He’s probably seeded too high, but the NFL career buoys him.

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