Fans remember that Sonic wears a hedgehog suit

According to Sega, the blue blur takes it off right before bed.

There are times when staying offline is the best course of action. For Sonic the Hedgehog fans, those days come whenever they remember Sonic is wearing a hedgehog suit.

No, I am not trolling – it’s canon. Way back on July 8, 2020, Sonic’s official Instagram account shared an image revealing a list of the blue blur’s daily routine. Most tasks were pretty mundane: wake up, brush teeth, read emails, and maybe take a few thousand laps around the house. However, one item stuck out. 

Every night at 11:30 P.M., Sonic takes off his hedgehog suit. Almost immediately, I couldn’t but think this would be like a human peeling off their skin before sleep. Sega, why (further) taint a beloved children’s franchise like this?

Naturally, most Sonic the Hedgehog fans try to forget this ever happened. Every so often, though, that knowledge slithers back into their subconscious like a grim reminder that the universe is coldly indifferent to our existence.

It happened again earlier this week, and I’ve gathered the best (worst?) reactions below.