Fans are not happy about Troy Baker’s NFT endorsement

The actor’s controversial stance isn’t going over well.

Cryptocurrency and NFTs continue to ignite firestorms within the video game industry on social media, and actor Troy Baker is the latest to fan the flames.

On Thursday, the actor best known for his role as Joel from The Last Of Us  revealed he’s working with Voiceverse NFT. The company, which aims to  create AI-generated voiceovers, claims that voice actors will receive royalties for contributing to the technology — however, it’s murky legal waters for various reasons. Regardless, Baker partnering with Voiceverse NFT is rubbing almost everyone the wrong way.

Baker’s announcement, in particular, is upsetting video game fans and industry professionals alike.

Particularly the “You can Hate. Or you can create. Which will it be,” line from Baker, which suggests he knew a backlash was incoming.

Anyone that follows video games could see this would happen, though. Virtually every company that’s working on NFT collaborations or cryptocurrency technology within video games is drowning in negative feedback before long. Be it Dead By Daylight  fans roasting developer Behaviour Interactive to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl’s  studio  removing NFTs integration  only a day after announcing them. The message is clear: video game fans  don’t want NFTs in their hobby

As such, Baker’s Tweet is awash in, well, hate. You can see some of the most vocal and examples below.