Ex-Browns star Bernie Kosar needs liver transplant, shows signs of Parkinson’s

Ex-Browns QB Bernie Kosar is battling serious health issues

Sad news out of Cleveland this Tuesday. Former Browns quarterback Bernie Kosar needs a liver transplant and has Parkinson’s disease.

The 60-year-old Kosar was placed on the transplant list in the spring. His doctor, Anthony Post of University Hospital, says there has been improvement but things can change quickly with liver disease.

“Liver disease does tend to fluctuate,” Post told Cleveland Magazine. “So he’s on that wave thing where it goes up and down. He’s in a good phase right now, but anything bad could happen.”

The news broke via Clevelandmagazine.com:

“I have an incredibly specific regimen of juicing, black coffee and smart supplementation,’’ Kosar said. “Digestive enzymes are part of it. Intermittent fasting. Basically, I’m using food as medicine and avoiding the processed foods, the foods with inflammatory properties.

“It’s amazing that you can feel as good as I do despite all this stuff going on. I can see that what I’m doing is making a difference. I strongly believe it will continue. Time will tell.’’

Kosar played college football at the University of Miami. He was the first pick (overall) in the 1985 NFL Supplemental draft. He spent 12 years in the NFL, nine with the Browns. He also played for the Miami Dolphins and Dallas Cowboys.

“I strongly believe in the power of positive thinking,’’ he says. “For me, it’s not just a slogan. I believe that positive energy can be manifested in our brains, and I love to live in the space of positivity. I want to think about things that are helpful. It sounds like I’m getting on a soap box here, but I visualize good health. It’s not so much that I’m trying to sell it to myself, or that I’m in denial, as it is choosing to be positive. Because everybody’s got something. We’ve all got health issues to some degree, we all have bumps in the road.’’