Everything coming to the Genshin Impact 4.3 update

We’ve outlined everything new coming in Genshin Impact 4.3, from 5-star Geo character Navia to Fontaine’s film festival

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The Genshin Impact 4.3 update introduces two new characters, a film event, and a number of convenience improvements. Geo finally makes a comeback with Navia, and Overload gets a much-needed boost with the newest 4-star addition to Genshin Impact’s roster.

The free-to-play game’s next version goes live on Dec. 20, 2023, refreshes the trading card game, and even gives you a new Fontaine theme for your teapot. We’ve outlined everything new coming in Genshin Impact 4.3 below. If you’re after some more Primogems, check out our Genshin Impact promo codes page and peruse the active codes.