Everything Auburn OC Chad Morris said about Tigers offense

Chad Morris has put in charge of the Auburn offense in his first year as coordinator.

Auburn offensive coordinator Chad Morris met with the media on Thursday to discuss what he has seen from the Tigers offense so far during fall camp.

Here is everything he had to say:

Opening Statement

“First of all, it’s absolutely great to just get back to some football and some type of normalcy and be able to get back out on the field. With us not going through spring ball and having an opportunity to coach these guys on the field, it’s been a joy to be out there. It has been some challenging times, as we’ve all gone through for the past several months. I know our training staff and our medical staff, Dr. Goodlett, has been working overtime, and just big a thank you to them, because everybody is just all hands on deck and going full-speed ahead. I’m excited. We’ve gotten, I think, 12 practices in, and I’m really excited about moving forward.”

On a difficult year after leaving Arkansas

“It’s been some challenging times. That’s something you try to teach your own kids in life, that when things go bad and don’t go the way you planned, you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and you don’t flinch. That’s the great thing about this game, that it teaches you those valuable lessons.

“It’s been great. I’m telling you, I’ve been extremely excited to just get back out on the field coaching a position, coaching the offense and really just getting involved in being a part of that development and watching this team watching the growth happen every day. I’m extremely excited about it. I’m glad to be on the field and coaching football.”

On his success of developing quarterbacks

“Well, I think the first thing you have to do is that you have to simplify things as much as you possibly can. I’ve always felt, from a developmental standpoint, that when you coach these guys, it’s all about footwork. So everything we talk about generates with our feet and moves up our body and out our arms as that ball is released. So we’re really talking about the base and building a great foundation

“And then understanding and being able to read the coverages like we want. Giving them the options of where to go with the football. I think that’s been a big part of it, and another part of it has been just being able to be open and transparent with our quarterback position. Listen to those guys and what do they see and what can they execute. That’s been really good. I’ve really enjoyed our quarterback room and getting in there with Bo (Nix) and those guys and listening to them talk and give me feedback.”