Everyone made the same Simpsons meme joke about the northern lights

The Steamed Hams meme came true.

It’s one of the most iconic memes on the internet: Simpsons fans turn the “Steamed Hams” bit from the Season 7 episode “22 Short Films About Springfield” into all kinds of weird versions of the exchange between Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers.

That includes Skinner making an excuse that a fire in his kitchen is actually the northern lights, to which Chalmers responds, “Aurora Borealis! At this time of year! At this time of day! In this part of the country! Localized entirely within your kitchen!”

Well, on Friday, we did get the northern lights in certain parts of the country, and of course the photos were stunning, but also of course everyone made the same Simpsons joke. Here’s a sampling: