Even when making history, Darius Leonard remains unsatisfied

Darius Leonard continues to earn his moniker of “The Maniac.”

Since entering the league in 2018, Indianapolis Colts linebacker Darius Leonard has made it known that he’s typically unsatisfied with the production he’s putting on the field thanks to the elite standards he holds himself to.

Even when making history, Leonard seems unimpressed by his own feats. The 25-year-old is the first player to record 300 tackles in his first 30 games since 1987. His production continues to be among the best in NFL history to begin a career.

But Leonard keeps his standards high, and the numbers in front of him don’t represent any type of accomplishment for the Maniac. He doesn’t like to reflect on awards and stats while he’s still playing, especially when they don’t live up to his standards.

“Definitely just waiting until my career is over because when they told me, my teammates were congratulating me and I’m like – OK, just doing the math, that’s 10 tackles a game. That’s not my standard,” Leonard told reporters Thursday. “I’m a 15 tackles or more a game. If I didn’t do that, I didn’t have a great game. Am I blessed to have received that award? Yes, but as of right now, it’s just 300 tackles I guess.”

Every year, Leonard makes it clear what his goals are. They are often lofty and seemingly unattainable to the naked eye. But that doesn’t keep him from setting his goals. In order to be great, the goals have be even greater.

Whether it’s finishing a season with 200 tackles or winning the MVP, Defensive Player of the Year AND Super Bowl MVP award in the same season, Leonard isn’t shy about what he wants to accomplish.

But that type of attitude is what makes Leonard elite. It’s why he earned the moniker of “The Maniac.” Because he never stops trying to attain his goals. When he sets records, it’s never good enough. He has that Mamba Mentality when it comes to achieving his goals.

So while he can be in awe of the kind of production unfolding before our eyes every week when watching Leonard play, just know that he won’t be satisfied until his name is at the top of every statistical category known to man.

That’s the Maniac for you.

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