ESPN Analytics weighs the most likely NBA draft destinations for Jared McCain

With two days until the 2024 NBA draft officially begins, here’s the math on when Duke fans can expect to hear Jared McCain’s name called.

We’re two days out from the opening round of the NBA draft, and ESPN Analytics has some math for [autotag]Jared McCain[/autotag] fans.

According to the site’s NBA Draft Day Predictor, McCain’s most likely draft destinations are the Miami Heat (15th overall) and the Philadelphia 76ers (16th overall).

The website has the two Eastern Conference playoff teams almost neck-and-neck with both teams sporting a little more than a 16% chance to take McCain, as of Monday afternoon.

The 76ers keep popping up for McCain on mock drafts as fans and scouts seem intrigued by the pairing of the Blue Devils sharpshooter and former MVP Joel Embiid.

The predictor starts McCain’s reasonable range at 11th overall, and the math thinks there’s more than a 90% chance that he’s still available by the 13th pick.

However, with more than a 30% chance he goes either 15th or 16th, his range seems pretty tight and set in stone. There’s roughly a 10% chance he’s still on the board by the 20th spot on the board, ESPN Analytics says.

The 2024 NBA draft gets underway on Wednesday, and fans can watch and wait alongside the freshman star on ESPN and ABC.