Eli Manning delightfully trolled Peyton Manning while he couldn’t hear him during ManningCast audio issues

Eli Manning making fun of Peyton Manning when he can’t hear him: priceless.

Technical difficulties are a part of any broadcast every now and then, but the ManningCast at least knows how to have fun with them.

While discussing the punt-return-for-touchdown that got the Los Angeles Chargers on the board first against the New York Jets on Monday night, Peyton Manning apparently lost the ability to hear Eli Manning’s audio.

He had to tell his brother about the malfunctioning earpiece during the broadcast, which opened up Eli to get some delightful trolling in at Peyton while he couldn’t hear him.

We’ll let the Manning brothers take it from here because this exchange is just too good to miss.

This is why the ManningCast works so well. These two clearly love to make fun of each other at every given instance, and it was Eli Manning who got the opportunity to have some fun at Peyton Manning’s expense.

Peyton is going to have to get Eli back the next time something goes awry.

Feature image courtesy of ESPN.

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