Edge reportedly didn’t like a ‘supernatural’ direction for The Judgment Day

Edge reportedly was against the “supernatural” direction WWE wanted to take The Judgment Day, leading to the group turning against him on Raw.

If The Judgment Day turning on Edge, the man who assembled the group in the first place, on this week’s episode of Raw felt a little sudden, that’s because it probably was.

Fightful Select reports that while the addition of Finn Balor was proposed prior to this week, the ejection of Edge was a development that may have only come together on Monday. The reason? Edge apparently wasn’t pleased with the direction WWE wanted the group to go.

We’re told that WWE had mentioned taking Judgment Day a “supernatural” route, which Edge was said to have been opposed to.

It’s an interesting notion simply because there was a bit of that around The Judgment Day from the start, with fans joking on social media that it felt like Edge and initial recruit Damian Priest could teleport when the lights went out. That element had been de-emphasized in more recent weeks, however.

A more supernatural version of The Judgment Day would be a natural for The Undertaker to lead were he still around. But Balor has a hint of that in his own background thanks to his alter ego as The Demon, which he has noted in past interviews he felt would resurface in WWE at some point in the future.

Another popular fan theory/hope is that Bray Wyatt will be involved somehow. Wyatt was released from WWE on July 31, 2021, but has recently hinted at a pro wrestling return on social media. There’s no guarantee that would be with WWE, but if it is, adding him to the mix would give The Judgment Day an immediate shot in the arm.

Fightful Select confirmed that Edge has now “been moved back to the babyface side of the internal depth chart.” It’s going to be a little strange seeing him in that role considering he’s just spent weeks running down the fans in promos, but if anyone can turn a struggle against a personal creation that’s spiraled out of control into compelling TV, it’s Edge — even if it has supernatural assistance.