Ed Orgeron celebrated LSU’s win over Alabama in the most Ed Orgeron way possible

Ed Orgeron celebrated the big win with a ham sandwich.

LSU football coach Ed Orgeron is as old-school as it comes in college football, which makes this story about how he celebrated his team’s huge win over Alabama on Saturday so perfect.

In case you missed it, LSU won the game of the year 46-41 on the road. It was their first win over Alabama since 2011.

Orgeron, who delivered the quote of the year while celebrating the win with his team in the locker room, had a wild Saturday night after returning home from Alabama.

And by wild I mean the man with the greatest voice in college football kept things extremely simple.

Check this out:

A ham sandwich, some chips, and SportsCenter.

How on brand/great is that?

LSU is now the best team in the nation and their coach might be the best personality in all of college football, too.

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