Eamon’s Corner: USGA, R&A taking heat but don’t call them amateurs

The only thing that seems to unite the two sides of the distance debate is the belief that the USGA and R&A have gotten things wrong.

Too often it doesn’t matter what the USGA or R&A say. When they say it. How they say it. Or even who says it.

The distance discussion is no different. Like much of what we see in daily life, most minds are already made up.

The only thing that seems to unite both sides on this fractious topic is the belief that the USGA and R&A have gotten things wrong, which is fair enough. That’s the cost of being in a position of authority.

But the most asinine dismissal we frequently hear is that they’re amateurs, ill-qualified to sit in judgment on the professional game.

Check out this week’s edition of Eamon’s Corner.

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