Dwyane Wade compares a specific Steph Curry skill to Rip Hamilton, Ray Allen

Dwyane Wade said Steph Curry’s shooting is elite, but what makes him even tougher to defend is just how much he moves on the court.

Gushing over Golden State Warriors guard Steph Curry’s shooting ability is old hat. Everyone knows he changed the game.

But former Miami Heat shooting guard Dwyane Wade said on Instagram Live on Friday that Curry has another skill that makes him even tougher to defend.

“One of Steph’s greatest strengths that some people talk about but a lot of people don’t, because they talk about all the 3s and the ball handling, is Steph never stops moving off the ball,” Wade said.

Defenses learned long ago they have to play tight on Curry and fellow Splash Brother Klay Thompson. Yet over the years, the duo hasn’t gotten any easier to stop when on the court together.

The two never stand still.

“When Steph gives the ball up, that’s when he’s his most dangerous,” Wade said. “And that’s crazy to think, right, because when he has the ball, he’s unguardable. But when he does not have the ball? Forget about it.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Zjf8_pgJ4]

Curry often gets comparisons to the great all-time shooters, but Wade threw in one different name this time.

“He’s like Rip Hamilton and Ray Allen and those guys when it comes to the condition and the shape that he’s in, and the way he’s able to run,” Wade said.

“That’s when he gets scary, when he gives the ball up.”

The Heat legend made these comments on IG Live on Friday with his wife, Gabrielle Union.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL7MbMZ5vxA]

The two took requests about current players to talk about. Most were young guys, but when Curry was brought up they couldn’t help themselves.

Union, directing the names to Wade, opened with Curry by talking about him off the court.

Union: “Steph Curry is one of those people that everything you imagine Steph Curry is, he actually is in real life.”

Wade: “He’s like the nicest person in the world.”

Union: “In the world.”

So while Curry puts on a show moving around the court, it sounds like his demeanor the fans see isn’t just for show.